Pierre-Yves Antras, General Manager of Haute-Savoie Habitat:

“I do not hesitate to talk about love within our management committee.”

“For me, the liberated company is not a return to the paternalistic management of the early 21st century. The liberated company goes further. It implies a stronger relationship of consideration, which for me is a relationship of love in its noblest sense, that of recognizing the other as a human being. 

I’m not afraid to say it: for a company to truly liberate itself, love must enter its field and I don’t hesitate to talk about love in our management committee or in our meetings”.

In 2012, Pierre-Yves Antras initiated a corporate project aimed at improving the relationship of trust between each of the 6 stakeholders of Haute-Savoie Habitat, a low-cost housing organization with a team of 300 people and a portfolio of nearly 20,000 homes. The road was long and exciting: the more the project progressed, the more the principles of autonomy and responsibility were freed from the limits traditionally placed on them. In just a few years, the company has gradually become a liberated and loving enterprise. The secret of its success? “Think “yes” before thinking “no”, say “yes” before saying “no” and say “why not” before saying “it’s not possible”… and make the happiness of the collaborator a real priority.

Thank you Mr. Antras for having opened the way to a new win-win mode of governance, in which love plays a central role and brings out the best in everyone.

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