My background
After obtaining my Master’s degree from the European School of Management in Strasbourg, I devoted the first 18 years of my professional career to exploring consumer behaviors, needs and beliefs and transforming them into business development opportunities. Marketing Manager at Bacardi-Martini France, then Research Director at Cadbury Western Europe, then EMEA for the chewing gum category, and member of the Executive Committee, I contributed to the definition and successful implementation of numerous growth strategies.
5 years spent at the Nestlé Group’s world headquarters in Vevey, gave me the opportunity to lead very innovative projects allowing me to measure the real impact of different marketing & communication actions on the image and commercial performance of brands. I also played an advisory role for Nestlé marketing teams worldwide, on brand issues and digital communication strategies.
It was when I took over the General Management of a Swiss chocolate factory that I was able to understand the company in its entirety. I successfully experimented with a leadership approach inspired by the definition and implementation of a relevant purpose and nourished by strong corporate values. I have moved the organization towards more professionalism, authenticity and caring, with a very positive impact on collaborator engagement, quality of decision making and financial results.
As a certified holistic coach, I awaken business leaders to the intelligence of the heart and the mind, in order to liberate their potentials and increase the economic performance of their company. I am based in the French speaking part of Switzerland where I created Love in Leadership.

My competencies

My ethics
My coaching practice is in full compliance with the code of ethics of the International Coaching Federation.
In particular, I am committed to :
- Listening to you and helping you to define your needs precisely
- To propose an intervention project that perfectly meets your needs
- Building a relationship based on trust, mutual respect and benevolence
- Offer you an authentic and loving presence through active listening
- Ask you enlightening questions that go straight to the heart of the problem
- Allow you to become more aware of who you are and of your potential
- Allow you to identify new perspectives and opportunities for action
- Develop your ability to make the best possible decisions for yourself
- Design actions and training that will help you achieve your goals
- Manage and celebrate your progress as we work together
- Make you aware of your responsibility in reaching your goals: you will be the author of your success!

My commitment
to women, future generations and the planet
I believe that the 21st century will be the century of reconnection with ourselves, with our deepest nature as living and joyful beings, for the good of all humanity and the planet.

My partners
My professional career and my commitment to different communities have given me many opportunities to collaborate with professionals in the field of business support, both in human resources and in strategic development consulting. I thus have a vast network of experts with complementary experience and know-how, which allows me to put together tailor-made teams, bringing together all the skills required to make each project a success.
Through the MOM21 network, created more than 10 years ago and inviting to explore new management methods for the company of the XXIst century, I have the opportunity to work with different professionals in the field of business support (coaches, psychologists, experts in change management …), sharing similar values to mine and having complementary know-how in human resources. I am happy to call on their skills when necessary.
Rocket Thinking is a very innovative French consulting company, specialized in the deployment of sustainable growth strategies, based on the redefinition of brand purpose and fed daily by the intelligence of data and digital. I am part of the Rocket Thinking adventure by accompanying its leaders on strategic and organizational issues and by co-managing its network of 35 senior consultants spread over Europe and Asia. They come with pleasure to put their respective know-how at the service of Love in Leadership and its customers if necessary.

My favorites
Magnificent books, written by beautiful people, deeply authentic, generous, inspiring and loving. To be read with passion!
If there was only one book, it would be this one. Through the sublime and moving story of a sick child and his brilliant mother, an oncologist, Dr. Serge Marquis makes us explore the depths of the ego and the immense richness of the heart. A journey full of suspense, surprises, fears and twists and turns that gradually leads us to the discovery of unconditional love. A magnificent book to heal one’s wounds and learn to love oneself for real.
Christophe André, a psychiatrist with a passion for meditation, Alexandre Jollien, a Swiss philosopher with a passion for spirituality, and Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk with a passion for neuroscience, invite us to their home in the Dordogne for an open discussion on all of life’s major topics: listening, the body, emotions, wounds, ego, coherence, forgiveness, freedom, simplicity, and more. Let yourself be inspired by the crossed perspectives of these 3 friends in search of wisdom.

To go further on the path of beauty and nature, I propose you to …
- Make unforgettable portraits with Romain Vigouroux, the Pti studio in the Geneva area
- Be amazed by the beauty of nature with Martin Mägli, Swiss naturalist photographer
- Discover the art of watercolor with Laurent Willenegger, naturalist watercolorist from Vaud, Wildside productions

To go further on the path of the wonder of the senses, let yourself be seduced by 3 artists who put an infinite love in their works:
- The sublime creations of Jean-Paul Raffin, exceptional chocolate maker in Monthey and Martigny (Valais, Switzerland)
- The unforgettable combinations of flavors and textures with Franck Giovannini, 3* Chef at the Hôtel de Ville, Crissier (Vaud, Switzerland)
- The exceptional creativity of the very talented Mitja Birlo, 2* Chef at the Silver, 7132 Hotel in Valls (Grisons, Switzerland)

To go further on the path of well-being, consciousness and spirituality, we encourage you to:
- Take care of yourself and your health with Dr. Fabienne Burguière, medical doctor, graduate in micro-nutrition
- Learn to communicate with your body with Anne-Ena and Nicolas Bernard, founders of the 9 breaths
- Practice meditation with a true master in the field: Diego Hangartner